Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Night Church opens twice a month

For many months the team has been thinking and planning in order that Night Church can grow to twice a month, as we really feel that being present in the city at night more often would help be fantastic. The great news is that from September we will be open twice a month on the second and fourth Saturday. Pop in and see us for a cuppa!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Unexpected friendships

Being with people who are very different from ourselves can at times be quite unsettling, it pushes us out of our comfort zone and often challenges our values and assumptions. But it is also offers opportunites to grow which are rich and inspiring. Night Church seems to bring together people from very different situations, the young and old, the rich and poor, and through this there seems to be something very special. Perhaps it unites us in our common humanity, reminding us that we are at our core really very similar?

The volunteers at Night Church are also very different, being from a wide range of churches and denominations, and we hold unity in diversity as we focus on loving God and loving others. Christian unity with those who believe exactly the same as us is easily won, but a much richer Christian unity is one that challenges us to lay down our own ways of being and doing things and to build friendships with those who view things very differently. It is a unity that is centred on our oneness in the Christian faith, it is a unity that will challenge us and cost us something ....but it will I believe give us back far more than we give.

Try getting to know someone who is really different from you - you may be very surprised by what you have to learn!