Wednesday, 16 November 2011

'This is something different'

We had a great evening on Saturday night, with about 200 people coming into St Peter's. One of my volunteers has emailed me a conversation she had with someone who popped in late in the evening. It was a reminder that beneath people's very happy and fun-filled exterior there are some deep thoughts and very real worries.

Jess says, 'We had a bit of banter at the fact he spilt his tea but then he opened up out of the blue. He shared with me things that he hadn't shared with anyone: that he was "scared of dying"..."not knowing what was 'after'"...that he thought there was "something up there"...saying, "how could there not be something greater, watching over us"..he kept apologising for talking nonsense as he was a little tipsy.

He commented on how he felt "completely at peace" as soon as he walked through the door...he kept repeating how he "wasn't religious but this was something different" and how he was glad he came in. Our conversation kept being interrupted by one of his friends walking back in every few minutes, but despite the interruptions I was able to share that God does listen to him when he talks to Him, God knows his fears. I asked him if he knew about Jesus but that term just seemed too distant or had negative connotations around it. I was able to pray with him before he left, and reassured him that God did care about him and was listening. He thanked me and said he hopes "to remember tonight and come back next month. This is something different."

It was such an encouraging story, and makes staying up til 4am so worthwhile!
